kā var iestāties studentu padomē, lai varu pieteikties gada fizmata balvai? tad kāreiz būtu tas, kas darbojas padomē pirmo gadu :) cerams, ka uzdevumos būs meiteņu koļīšana uz laiku, tur es esmu ass!
La iegūtu gada fizmata balvu nav jābūt studentu padomē!! :)
Es par tiem tituliem atceros savādāk kā rakstā teikts...
Kibrika varētu padalīties ar informāciju, jo kāda informācija līdz manīm nonāk, tādu es spēju dot citiem!
WOW! good work guys n gals. Given that there's a camera crew runnnig around filming everything can be a little distracting no? Great video, I really enjoyed watching this. Given the time crunch, it's amazing all the same. Who's this singer? she's got a great voice. I noticed you gave props to all the behind the scenes crew, engineers etc at the top of the page. However, I may have missed it, but It would be nice to credit the names of the Musicians / vocalist too. Thanks for sharing. Peace. Josef Horhay. Mixing Engineer.