bija tāda aizdoma, ka viņu kaut kur manīju - laikam būs LV iepatikusies, ka te tik ilgi uzturās :)
Tur nedaudz krāsas prasītos....
varbūt tad, kad viņš beidzot atradīs savu sievu tā viņam normālu dizainu uzceps... Derētu patestēt to viņa sistēmu... Būs jāiečeko un paaris šaubīgos saitos savas koordinātas jātstāj, redzēs vai viņa tiešām ar spau tiek galā tik labi, kā viņš saka
izskatās vēl ļoti zaļi, bet nu ideja nav peļama... varbūt, ka pēc pāris gadiem tur iznāk kaut kas jēdzīgs.
viņš iepriekš te bija atbraucis meklēt sievu, tā arī nebūs atradis...
Shodien vinju maniju R19 - veljoprojaam bez sievas
Hello. I recall you that before registering you should read the documentation There are some bugs and problems that should be corrected next week. So it will be better to try the system after... sorry for that.
Sorry again that it was not working. Well, it does not depend on me but on my programmers, I don't know what they are doing. They did not respect their promise to correct bugs soon. Then they said they were busy with their exams, and they are going to do the corrections now. I hope it's true...
Hey, now it works ! And this time I really think it will go on !