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2014. gada 22. decembrī 16:20 

11. Starptautiskā jauno zinātnieku konference "Developments in Optics and Communications" (2)

Dear students and promising young scientists,

on behalf of SPIE and OSA student chapters from the University of Latvia we are pleased to invite you to join us in Riga, Latvia for the 11th International young scientist conference “Developments in Optics and Communications”!

The conference will be held on April 8-10, 2015. Here you will have a great opportunity to meet other students and young scientists that work in the research field of optics and photonics, share your ideas and experiences as well as establish contacts for future collaborations.

Registration for the conference will open soon. The registration deadline is February 4, 2015. Please note, that the official language of the conference "Developments in Optics and Communications" is English.

We encourage you to contribute to the conference with a talk or a poster presentation relevant to the conference topics:

  • Biophotonics;
  • Laser physics and spectroscopy;
  • Optical materials and phenomena;
  • Optics in communication;
  • Vision science.

  • Abstracts must be prepared in accordance with the abstract preparation guidelines. The deadline for abstract submissions is February 4, 2015.

    Travel grants are available for students contributing to the conference. To apply for the grant, please contact the organizers at The grant application deadline is February 4, 2015.

    If you require a visa to enter Latvia, please contact the organizers at before February 4, 2015.

    If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact the organizers at

    Follow the info on Facebook event page.

    We are looking forward to seeing you there!

    Autors: DOC 2015 organizatori  Apskatīt komentārus »

    Atslēgvārdi: DOC, DOC 2015, fotonika, konference
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