The role of symmetries in physics will be introduced with special emphasis on two particular discrete symmetries, viz., the parity operation, P, which inverts spatial coordinates and the time reversal operation, T, which reverses the arrow of time.
In the first part I will discuss specific examples of parity violation in the macroscopic world of living matter as well as at the atomic / subatomic scale with speculations on possible connections between the two phenomena. The second part will address experiments searching for a permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of the neutron which violates both the P and T symmetries. The observation of a finite EDM would be a signature of physics beyond the standard model of elementary particles. I will present details of a new nEDM experiment at the new source for ultracold neutrons (under construction at PSI).
Laiks: 2008. gada 21. maijā plkst. 16:30
Vieta: 233. auditorijā Fizikas un matemātikas fakultātē Zeļļu ielā 8.
No plkst.16:15 kolokvija dalībniekus gaidīs kafija ar cepumiem.
Tiek aicināti visi interesenti un it sevišķi – fizikas studenti.
Kolokviju koordinators: Dr. Aigars Ekers, (ekers [at], t. 67033752).
2008. gada 20. maijā 13:37
Fizikas kolokvijs: Symmetries of elementary particles and their violation (1)
Autors: Linards Kalvāns Apskatīt komentārus »
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