Semināra anotācija:
Superposition Effect as a Measurable Transformation (SEMT) is at the core of all observations. “Optical coherence” is measured as “fringe visibility” registered by a detector under simultaneous stimulation of two or more optical fields. The phrase “coherence” should be replaced by “Optical Superposition Effects” and the scientific focus should be on understanding the light-matter interaction processes to unambiguously determine the physical parameters of the superposed light beams under study. Mathematical representation of “optical coherence” as pure field-field correlation deprives us from learning the deeper physics behind light-matter interaction processes. The observed degradation in fringe visibility reflects detectors’ quantum properties and the relevant integration time constants of the entire detector system, besides the fluctuations of the electric vectors of all the superposed fields. We present improved interpretation and classification of coherence function through fringe visibility, which is what we really measure.
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